Fri 03 Jan
SuPeR SeXi GiRl NeXt DoOr< StOp SeArChIng- I'vE GoT WhAt YoUr LoOkIn 4< 918-313-1234 $pEcIaL$! - 23
(tulsa, ok)
Thu 02 Jan
Hosting now guys 👋🏾Book now guys before it's too late. Check link👌Please👈🏽 - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa hwy 44)
Its almost the 4th COME get your with BRANDY great SPECIAL so dont MISS OUT!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
KELLYS BACK! what would you like? EROTIC MASSAGE? Dinner date? Companion? some company? - 50
(tulsa & surrounding)