Wed 08 Jan
Lookin' for a little side dish? Tired of the BAR SCENE? Singles sites not working? CALL ME! - 50
(Tulsa and surrounding area)
****I Love What I Do ,And I'm Sure YOU Would Too****So Why Don't U CALL **** - 19
(Tulsa & surrounding cities)
*^^*CuTe PeTiTe AnD Oh SoOoo SwEeT*^^* New PiCs! :) CaLl Me CaLl Me 918-932-9692 - 23
(Tulsa, South Tulsa)
HaNdS DoWn #1 HOTTEST+ + + + + +BLoNdE BoMbShELL+ + + + + + +SmOkInG HoTT! ! - 22
(Tulsa, Tulsa Outcalls)
✈ Come In Out of The Rain ✈ "Cherry" RedHot RedHead ✈ Ready for ACTION!! ✈ - 27
(Tulsa, S E , Your Place or Mine)
💎💎CALL ME BABY💋💋G£N+L€M@N$ ¢Ho!¢€❤❤❤👌Top Notch Provider💕💕Highly Reviewed - 26
(Tulsa, Tulsa- Incall and Outcall)
🔮🔮🔷🔹↪Experience The Perfection Of Pleasure. Upscale Private Incall Location↩🔷🔹🔮🔮 - 35
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
BRANDY and ASHLEY are LONELY SNEAK out and come PLAY with US!!!!!! - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
°•★•————• ___ E•Y•E__ C•A•N•D•Y ___ •————• °•★ ------- ------ ------- Available Now :-) - 24
(Tulsa, tulsa OUT cALLs Surrounding)
⚓⚓⚓ CaLL Me! I'll HaVe YoU HoOkEd ⚓⚓⚓ available early mornings. late nights. - 24
(Tulsa, tulsa ★out call only★)
**** BEST BBW in TULSA and I will SHOW you how and WHY!! Limited time only $50 incall special !!! - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa, okla)
Absolutely Addictive/Hot Blond/♥♥♥to make others happy.~The Girl Next Door Is Back~ - 25 - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas.)
♧♧♣Alex Angel is here to play♣♧♧ Blonde Snow Bunny ~Outcall Specials - 21
(Tulsa, tultulsa/surrounding areas)
AVAILABLE.. * HOT LATINA! * ... = S u P e R .. S w e e T = .. ~ PLAYFUL & YUMMY ~ BACK IN TOWN! - 23
*Beauty* Brains* Boobs* Butts*TOTAL package!Last Day!! LOOK Gentlemen! - 22
(your place/CASINO area)
100 SpeCiaLs 💋💕💋 B E A U T I F U L 💋💕💋 A M A Z I N G 💋💕💋 P R I N C E S S💋💕💋 100 SpeCiaLs - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa In and Out)
▒$80 special- Hot ₰ K¡ηkγ▒ δωεε† ₰ ©υr√γ▒ δε∂υ©†¡√ε & ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒ ☎Call Now☎ - 21 - 21
(Tulsa, outcalls only)
New pics real 45 Hot Sexy Cougar Specias 130 donation 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 24/7 incall 38C - 45
(Oklahoma City, se okc 1-240 and s i35 south area)
OKC!The Real Deal 💕Get Addicted to my Pleasure 💞 Sexy, Mature, Sweet 💋💕 Available Now! - 34
(Oklahoma City, okc)
♥★NeW ♥★*HoT SeXy BRUNETTE♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ♥★BIG BOOTTY ♥★kinky BUSTY BOMBshell ♥★ - 25
✭Specials✭100$✭Specials✭ 5 at its FINEST✭ ✭Sweet n Tasty✭ Last ☪night ✭ ➊⓪⓪%☈€↳ - 18
(Tulsa, Tulsa,)
SeXy!! B L O N D E C O U G A R!! New in Town!! open minded!! INCALL & OUTCALL FINE WINE not Beer - 40
(Oklahoma City, incalls & Outcalls Mature Lady)
Muskogee only**NEW☆the natural queen★Naughty NiNi☆40DD & JUICY★$70 SPECiAl - 25
(Tulsa, Muskogee only)
•°o♥o°• N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. • °o♥o°• TeMpTaTiOnS • °o♥o°• GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe - 44
(Oklahoma City, okc)
NEW IN TOWN ❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤ - - 22
(Tulsa, Ready To Play!)