Mon 27 Jan
Dating sites leaving you confused? Blind dates are no go? Tired of being alone? KELLY can help' - 54
(Tulsa, 31st memorial)
hey guys looking for a BIG BUSTED lady with 42DD come play with me today - 25
(tulsa and surrounding areas)
Its HOT outside and even HOTTER IN HERE with KELLY THE MILF CUM & see me downtown n have a .. . . .
(downtown and all around)
Hello Gentlemen! IF your looking for Older Lady, VerySexy One! My Home In Tulsa. Call Me! Lets Talk! - 47
(Tulsa, 21st and sheridan area, tulsa ok.)
*^^*CuTe PeTiTe AnD Oh SoOoo SwEeT*^^* New PiCs! :) CaLl Me CaLl Me 918-932-9692 - 23
(Tulsa, South Tulsa)
[CLICK HERE] *¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* [CLICK HERE] - 23
(Tulsa, East Tulsa)
CoMiNg BaCk ToDaY PrEbOoK NoW ♥ NaUgHtY PLaYGiRL ♥ TeMpTiNg -N- TaNtiLiNg ♥ RATED - 26
(169 and 41 st)
... ... ... ... Daytime Treat Answers Your Requests to be Available Past 8pm... ... ... - 41
GOT PINK? {U could} with {1 call} *HOT* * & *JUICY* 2 * { U+ ME =-} E*c*$*T*a*$*Y* - 25 - 25
(Tulsa, {61st & Mingo} * {Incall Only})
hello gentlemen lets get the party started! - 19
(In town, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
%%%% FRIDAY night, YOU sure YOU can HANDLE this MUCH fun?? $60 incall all day %%%% - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR Bo0ty!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *UPSCALE & DiSCREET - 23
(Tulsa, East tulsa)
{{*D A N G E R O U S L Y* SEXY*}} {{*S M O K I N* H O T* B O D Y*}} {{*R E A D Y*2*P L A Y*}} - 25
(Tulsa, *{$$60$$120$$$pecial$$}*)
: CALL *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* BIG -:¦:- BOOTY-:¦:- GODDESS - 26
(Tulsa, Tulsa in/outcall)
~~ exotic ~ sexy ~ hott ~ ~ very ~ open~ minded ~~ Lilly ~ call 918-829-7667 - 24
(tulsa & surrounding)
*****DO NOT HIRE "queen jazzy" OR "vegas" aka alexis UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET ROBBED***** - 99
(51st and Yale)
G _ O _ R _ G _ E _ O _ U _ S * *Sexy * * F _ R _ I _ E _ N _ D _ L _ Y _playmate!!!! -100 $ incal - 19