Mon 27 Jan
Come See If I've Been Naughty or Nice this Year $150/incall Special Tonight- Lets get Cozy :) - 23
Are you UP & UP? u an the one to take care of that fior you.. help you destress & drift - 50
(Tulsa and surrounding area)
Concupiscent, Warm & Inviting ... My first trip to Tulsa next week!!! 7th - 8th! - 49
(Tulsa, Tulsa - not sure where, though!)
( Busty 🌺Sexy Babydoll🌺 Wanting 2Cum over & Play with you 🌺 - 39
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Outcall Only No Driver, Stillwater, Tulsa)
^^Do U Prefer Hats Off?? I Do!! Come have an Unforgettable time with this NATIVE Doll^^ - 21
(Tulsa, 68th and Yale)
AVAILABLE NOW!! $100/HR Incall Specials Come See this SEXY LADY! 405-204-3311 - 23
(31st and memorial, Tulsa)
BLOW out your week with KELLY. . . spend some time with me and get guaranteed satisfaction!!
(tulsa and surrounding)
{$100hh incall special} 100% Real pics §pecial§ EXTREMELY HOTT REDHEAD -Mz.Redd - 21
(Tulsa, My place or yours)
~ B ¥ Õ N Ð ~**~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*~ W ¡ L Ð § T ~**~ Ð ® Â M § ~*-:¦:- * - 24
(Tulsa, Tulsa and Surrounding Areas)
Absolutely Addictive/Hot Blond/♥♥♥to make others happy.~The Girl Next Door Is Back~ - 25 - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas.)
$100 incall special 24/7 **LET THIS BLONDE COME PARTY WITH YOU**-- miss unique - 21
(Tulsa, tulsa/surrounding areas)
100% Me Or It's Free!!! ~~ Don't Mi$$ MY Great $100 $PECIALS!!!!!~~ - 27
BEST LOOKING GIRL ON BP!!! dont settle for Trash come see ME.. Good Reviews♥ Legitimate Photos - 25
$12O.OO HouR SPECIAL StoP & TakE A LooK MaTuRE BomBshell - 36
(Tulsa, outcalls all day/all nite)
°•* *•°♀ °•★•° ○ ♥ $$120 outcall special** SATISFACTORY GURANTEED○ °•★•° ♀ °•* *•° 💋💋💋💋 💋 HOT 💋💋💋 - 21
Are you ready? To relax unwind and get treated like a king ! Let me show satisfaction! - 27
((1OO)) H u R R Y..... F O R... M Y.... W I L D E S T.. ..S P E C I A L S......((1OO)) - 24