Sun 12 Jan
📌this ➡hoTT BlonDe is anxious 2 PleASe you!📌☎cALL now☎ $Thu®sdAy $PecIAl 💯💌 - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
ღ♥°• ҉⁀҉ღ‿↗ღ.•❤ Le t ' s °•❤•° ℳ a k e °•❤•° ℳ a g i c ❤•.♥ღ⁀҉ ҉↘‿ ↗ღ⁀҉•° ♥ღ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Okc/Surrounding Area)
Call For The Red Light Specials Are On ! The Girl Next Door You've Been Searching For! - 26
(Tulsa In/Outcalls)
There is 2 kinds of people, the kind who observe, and the kind who entertain!! 918-978-0168 - 28
(Tulsa, OK)
............ Thankfully, I'm A Little Older ............ (Tall, Slender & Easy On The Eyes) - 44
*-:¦:* *-:¦:* Sweet Miss Wishes *-:¦:* *-:¦:* Do u have a wish ? *-:¦:* - 21
(tulsa only)
Sat 11 Jan
"Vivica Skyy" GFE delight* NO Rush! ___ I Put PORN STARS to SHAME! Great SPECIALS all DAY!!!!
(Tulsa,Sand Springs)
S A T I S F A C T I O N _ I s _ M y _ B e s t _ Q U A L I T Y _ G u a r a n t e e d ! ! ! - 19
Sedeuctive, Sultry, Blonde Bombshell Ready For Outcalls - 28
Palm Tree Massage...Cute Asian Girls...Best Massage in Town... - 24
(Oklahoma City, 3537 N Shields Blvd...Moore... OK)
ExOtiC * MixxED BeAuty ** SweEt &&' SeduCtive {{{OUTCALLS ONLY}}} * AvAilable Now!! - 21
✨K€€P ME Company this Morning ◆☆REadY & availaBle 4☆◆ $80 inc@ll $pecial! - 26
(Oklahoma City, okc & surrounding areas)
No More Fake Pics •°•* Don't Cheat Yourself•°• Take your Chance With a Winner•°• 🌺T.R.E.A.S.U.R.E🌺 - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa OK)