Mon 06 Jan
New Girl In Town Ready For Fun! Come Spice up Your Night And Relax With Taylor !817-941-1927 - 23
(Oklahoma city)
NEW & VISITING »» WHAT »» A »» BANGIN »» BODY »» - 22
💕💎fitness princess👄safe place 4 ur fantacy🎀 💛real pics★👄★ 💘💎SEXY ts •💛 💛💕(405) 738-0099 - 29
(Oklahoma City, Jones)
Its HOT outside and even HOTTER IN HERE with KELLY THE MILF CUM & see me downtown n have a .. . . .
(downtown and all around)
pArTy GiRl ★ [NeW In ToWn] Big Booty ★ Aℓℓ ηatural Curves $100 OUTCALL $PECIALS!!!! - 25
(My place or yours, Tulsa)
♡ NeW In TowN ♡ ! ! ! ! ⭐️ T!GHtT ⭐️ —— ♡♡♡ 💟 100 %Real 💟 ♡♡♡ ✨🇺 CLASSY ✿• • EXOTIC; - 19
(Tulsa, wit U)
Hott T~Girl With KiSSaBLe Lips and a HuRRiCaNe TONGUE!!! Kelli 305~924~3579 - 24
(Tulsa, Call for appointment Kelli 305~924~3579)
shay 100*100❥»OnE LusCioUS ExOTic EbOny BaBe❥» KiLLeR CuRVEs ❥» - 26 special - 26
(Tulsa, anywhere in the Tulsa area)
SWEET &THICK; HONEY Thanksgiving 60$incall special come& find out y im the best! - 21
(Tulsa, Tulsa & surroundingt areas)
Bored? Restless? Anxious? Dissatisfied? I HAVE THE SOLUTION!!! call KELLY. .SHE WILL HELP!! - 55
(east, Tulsa)
Sun 05 Jan
MOST experienced in OKC 150/hr - 36D-28-39 TS ROCKS your World - See Website 4 LIVE cam - 45
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Private House Incall ONLY)
♥️B⊙⊙ty£icio§ 5🌟 Playmate💋⭐️💋The Best 5⭐️💋Satisfaction Guaranteed 💋⭐️💋100%Real👅 - 23
(Tulsa, 🌷Outcalls Call Now)
█ ▀▄▀ █ ▀▄ █ ▀▄▀ ►🎀💕💎💘 AVAILIBLE NOW █ ▀▄▀ █ ▀▄ █ ▀▄▀ ► 🎀💕💎💘 100 SOECIAL'S - 22
(Tulsa, email;
JuSt WhaT YoU OrDeReD! WILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe!»** SEXY and classy MATURE woman VISITING
💢Available Now ❌Mornings only ALL DAY FRIDAY 💕⭕️Da freshst 💦7 1/2 inches of thick joy - 19
(Owasssso, Tulsa)
pRetTy FaCe AMAZING Body SiMpy the BeSt rEal FuN CaLL Me NoW! $100.$100 - 22
(Tulsa, Tulsa Ur Place $100 Now!)
SUNDAY NIGHT INCALL SPECIAL ebony barbie KELLY im back for the week avail. Anytime dont miss out - 20
(Tulsa, In and outcalls memorial)
TRUE (( T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌💥✨ ▃▃ 🎀 The 💋 ▃▃💃 PERFECT 🐾 ▃▃🍭 Ebony playmate ))OUTCALL - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa&surrounding; Areas)