Tue 07 Jan
W A R N I N G *** (((( H. O. T. T. E. S. T.. B. L. O. N. D. E.. Around Town ))) *** W A R N I N G - 19
Mon 06 Jan
****I Just Want To Fuck ASAP...No Strings, Just Sex.... And My Husband Can Never Find Out!!!****
(My house)
✨💋 Ladies 18+ Travel & Make Money! Safe, Fun, Luxurious and Vacations! Make 1000s Everyday! - 30
(Tulsa, 💰Miami, Vegas, & More!)
* I WILL ReTuRN SooN * SeXXy PeTITe EbOnY TrANsSeXuAL ........ MakE AppTS - 25
(Call me for directions)
♡♥Sexy ♡♥Petite White Blonde ♡♥Ts♡♥Sexy Cruvs♡♥ Beautiful Face♥♡ what more could you want♡♥ ? - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa ok)
Now visiting ........ Published Ebony Adult film star ........ The Notorious K.Biggs™ ........... 💯percent real - 25
(NOW VISITING O.K.C Airport, Oklahoma City)
((( Let *** Me)))) Please **** You )))) In *** All )))) The **** Ways (((( You *** Can **** Imagine - 20
Let me be your DIrty LIttle Secret! I'll Never Tell 24/7 Upscale Discreet service - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa area outcal only)
LaSt DaY in TuLsA Woodland hills💋100% REAL & SAFE ☎ REVIEWED 🍹🌹 💕 Ẹ¥Ẹ ₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ - 25
(Tulsa, Woodland hills)
*❤* ••••► LET ME ★B3 YouR ★S3XY SECrET ¯`'•.¸ ★▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀NO O💖-:¦:-DO3S IT -:¦:💋 LIKE 😘ME❤▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ - - 20
We LoVe Our JoB, tHe BeSt At WhAt We dO, sOmEtHiNg sPeCiAl JuSt FoR u!!! - 21
(Tulsa, tulsa in 24/7 - out 7am-10pm)
Holiday Party? Need a Last Minute Date? Don't Stress Out- Its Not To Late! $150/incall Special 2nite - 24
(Tulsa & Surrounding Areas)
! Hot new pics. Candelit erotic no rush atmoshphere w Barbie Doll! - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding)
East Coast's Top Upscale Agency ~~~~~ NOW HIRING ~~~~ Classy * Elegant * Safe ~~~ TOP PAY/SPLITS
(Oklahoma City, NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY)
→▶★☆The Star of YOUR Night♥$80Specials for You☆★Highly Skilled beauty♥4052152841 - 21
(Oklahoma City)
♥☆◆ ~R * U * F E E L I N * M E??★♣ C U Z * U * C O U L D * B ~♡ ● ☆ ● - 39
(Tulsa, Behind tha scenes 😉)
🍯🍯 🌟🎊🎉NeW YeAr!! NeW TrEaT🎉🎊 Late NightTrEaT 🌛 🎀💎VerY OpEn MiNdEd 💎🎀 - - 22
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
*Outcall §pecial§*This NEW hottie has skills that will amaze you~NEW Brunette bombshell~ Victoria - 21
W A R N I N G *** (((( H. O. T. T. E. S. T.. B. L. O. N. D. E.. Around Town ))) *** W A R N I N G - 19
shay 100*100❥»OnE LusCioUS ExOTic EbOny BaBe❥» KiLLeR CuRVEs ❥» - 26 special - 26
(Tulsa, anywhere in the Tulsa area)