Mon 27 Jan
AdRiAnNa'S iS dOwN 2 PlaY CaLL mE aNyTiMe- NiGhT oR dA,y :) SpEcIaLs-ALL NiGhT 918-f313-8769 - 24
(Tulsa, Tusa, OK)
Brand NeW *As¡aN BaRbiE*NOT SoLd in SToReS★Upscale Provider.•*¨¨*•- :¦: - 22
(Oklahoma City, your place or mine)
100 SpeCiaLs 💋💕💋 B E A U T I F U L 💋💕💋 A M A Z I N G 💋💕💋 P R I N C E S S💋💕💋 100 SpeCiaLs - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa In and Out)
»« AMAZING* - ___ ___T _O _O __ ___G __ o __ O __ D ___ T _ O ___ M _ I _S _S__ »« *
2 HR SpeCiaL! ReAdY For U NoW! Fun and ReLaxeD... Truth 918-277-4578 - 39
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
♡♡☆☆☆♡♡☆☆40$$ incal You're next door neighbor playmate. Ask for First time vip special.♡☆♡☆♡♡¤☆♡♡♡☆ - 31
100 SPECIALS all nite with KELLY THE MILF Cum take a LONG SLOW RIDE with me!! hot & sexy ready &
(downtown & all around)
100$&↑)♥Hotel Hottie ♥OuTCaLL Available Now♥ Beautiful & BųŞŧY - 28
(All day/All night^Arrives w/N half hour!, Tulsa)
NO EXPERIENCE Female Escorts: Contact TONIGHT -- WORK TONIGHT -- GUARANTEED! We need you immediately - 32
(Tulsa, Centrally Located in Tulsa.)
Thrills like a roller coaster. . Wave Riding like a hurricane . . Explosions like OLD FAITHFUL!! - 50
(tulsa & surrounding)
:*: * So Sexy :*: ASIAN & BLACK HoTTie! :*:* No Disappointments ! :*:* Ready For YOU! ;) - 22
THE SwEeTest Th¡Ng.... Your Kansas Sweetheart ***TRULEY*** ask about morning appt's too! - 23
2 NEW SISTERS to Oklahoma! Im young and she just got divorced! LETS HAVE FUN! - 18
(Oklahoma City, OKC (S Meridian) 1 mile from Macarthur) is hiring girls and guys. real escort and modeling auditions caught on video - 39
Mon 13 Jan
New 45 SEXY Cougar 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 SPECIALS ,130 incall 24/7 - 45
(Oklahoma City, se okc 1-240 and s i35 south area)
Sun 12 Jan