Thu 09 Jan
New in town 🍹🙌 MUSKOGEE 💋Limited time💋💦elegant👅 Sexxy💞 Available NOW 💕 Juicy B00TY💕 - 25
(Muskogee Area, Tulsa)
Not cheap: Young, white, beautiful, thin, classy and professional. Get what you pay for gentleman! - 24
♥♡♥* Hot₰ §€×¥- *♥♡♥* δωεε† ₰ fr€@🔀¥ - *♥♡♥* - δε∂υ©†¡√ε -*♥♡♥* - ηαυς╠╣†γ -*♥♡♥*- ρℓαγmα†ε - - 24
(Oklahoma City)
EvEn ThouGh iTs CoLd & GraY-AdRiAnNa'S StiLL DoWn 2 PlaY :) SpEcIaLs-ALL NiGhT 918-313-1234 - 24
(Tusa, OK)
G _ O _ R _ G _ E _ O _ U _ S * *Sexy * * F _ R _ I _ E _ N _ D _ L _ Y _playmate!!!! -100 $ incal - 19
Available Now ______ PERFECT 💖 *•*"*•► Red Hair Blue Eyes *•*"*•► A BODY __ To __ DiE __ FoR - 29
(Tulsa, 💜IN OR OUT CALL)
(2 NEW)IM "TRULEY" Your KANSAS SWEETHEART. I have reviews and picrures are REAL!! SEE! - 22
(Tulsa, TULSA OK)
please read carefully ❤ i am NOT in Tulsa, sorry for inconvenience...but please go ahead and read - 25
☞TouCh Me HerE ,☞ToucH mE ThEre ,☞BabY Can yOu tOucH Me EverYwhEre ☞PLz!!! ☞☞☞ In or Out😆 - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa Tahlequah Muskogee Wagoner)
*~* Ready to relax, enjoy your self, and have a good time call me!!! *~* - 28
(Tulsa, tulsa and areas around tulsa)
Wed 08 Jan
Out Calls!!!! 🎇 Exotic Hottie With A 💎Flawless Figure 💎 & Wild Side UP LATE!! Outcalls - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City And Surr. Areas Outcalls)
OkLaHoMa CiTy I'm BaCc 💎💎💎AmAzInG SpEcIaLs AlL MoUrN 💎💎💎 Make iT LaSt. 4eVa 💎💎💎InCaLl OnLy - 22
(Oklahoma City, South Incall only)
outcall SP3cIaL❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡ 【SEXXIE❤⇨♡CrEaMy Kitten】 ❤♡ 【 KiLLєR CURVES】❤♡【Juicy Asss】❤♡❤♡❤ - - 24
(Oklahoma City)
ExPeRieNcEd 45 yr old SeXy playmate SpEcIAlS $100 donation incall 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 SE Okc - 45
(Oklahoma City, se 82 st and i 35 south)
…;) Meet the most esqusite Blonde around… La$t night in town - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc. surrounding areas)
100% the perfect girl for you .. ♤☆☆☆☆five star treatment ♤♡♡♡♡♡non rushed quality time - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city,okc)
CLASSY BUSTY HOT BLONDe- Loves to play FIre up hot SOMMER real starr WITH 38D/S - like SWEET treat - 28
100% the perfect girl for you .. ♤☆☆☆☆five star treatment ♤♡♡♡♡♡non rushed quality time - 29
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city,moore)
BE BACK SOON!! Sexy Upscale BBW!! A Woman You Can Unwind With! - 36
CAUTION Extreme💦💦Soaking Ahead 💋💋 70,100,125CALL NOW INcall ONLY - 25
(Oklahoma City, Midwest city ne 23rd INCALL ONLY)
[Available Now! °•°•*☆( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ = _B_R_u_N_£_t_T_e = __ =B_ €_a_U_T_y :-) °• °•*☆ - 25
(Tulsa, Outcalls Only)
《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ BruneTTe 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS! ! - 25
(Tulsa, Outcalls Only)
Mixed Barbie🌺🌺 Sexy&Exotic;✨✨ New in Town🌞Make u begg for it👅💦💦 - 23
(Oklahoma City, Out Call Ready)
NeW PiCs♡Cute Chocolate drop♥ThE ReAl RaiNNa Is BAcK♡♥♡♥♡100% GeNuInE eRoTiC eBoNy# NeW PiCs_♥ - 24
(Tulsa, tulsa area)
MORE NEW PICS OF KELLY!! What you see is WHAT YOU GET!! no bait & switch no :"fake pics" - 99
(tulsa & surrounding)