Mon 27 Jan
~*~ HOTT ~!*!~ Little Sexy ~!*!~ PLAYMATE ~!*!~ Just 4 you.......2 nite - 23
(tulsa, surrounding areas)
*%*%*% GUESS what GUYS $60 time only!!..I got TREATS right HERE *%*%*%* - 28
🍑🍑Come Have Some Real Fun🍑🍑🍑 Clean💋💋Sweet💋💋Exotic Beauty🍒🍒🍒 - 22
(Lawton, Norman, nw Oklahoma city, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
>>>>DONT get LURED into THE fake PICTURES!! I am 100% REAL!! $60 SPECIAL
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
_☑ A CaNdY TreaT! ☑ SweeT CaRaMeL ASiAn MiXX CuTiE! _ SpEcIaL! - 22
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surrounding Areas*)
A DR3aM cOme Tru3.My SPECiALs R beTTeR.. TOYS ~StriPT3as3 - 24
(Tulsa, UPSCALE INCALL ~ToYs~ Much More Jus ask)
2 HR SpeCiaL! ReAdY For U NoW! Fun and ReLaxeD... Truth 918-277-4578 - 39
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
100% Real★ ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ █ ╠╣OT SEXY PERFECT♥PETiTE GODDESS▁ ▂ ▄ ▇ █ ▄ ▂ ★••► BACK IN TOWN ◄•• - - - 25
Are you looking for something with no strings attached!!?? - 23
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, Donetska)
.*¨¨*- :¦:-* The Upmost Best! *-: ¦:-*¨¨*. Feel Like The King You Are! *-: ¦:-*¨¨*. Ready! - 23
(Tulsa, Tulsa Sweetheart!)
$100 incall special 24/7 **LET THIS BLONDE COME PARTY WITH YOU**-- miss unique - 21
(Tulsa, tulsa/surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
Ever feel like you are SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL? make your way to me and i will center.. . - 50
Call For The Red Light Specials Are On ! The Girl Next Door You've Been Searching For! - 26
(Tulsa In/Outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
✨💕 c'mon boyz, let's Play Now💕✨Im @v@ilaBLe NoW❗☑100$ weekend incall $p€cIAl§▫♦▫ - 28
(Oklahoma City, okc metro)
Fri 10 Jan
come play with me, secretly seductive time with a beautiful girl xxoo**- Olivia Love~~* - 23
(Oklahoma City, midwest city ok)
👑█ ◆♥╚» ( 0NE ) 0F A KiND!!♥«╝*Fetish Friendly◆100% Your BeSt Choice◆*HaWaiian BaRbie Doll ❤◆█████ - 21
(Tulsa, incalls tulsa)
.♥.** * .♥.** (S)(E)( X)(Y) (T)(O)(U)(C)(H ) Special .♥. .♥.** - 24
(Tulsa, Tulsa and Surrounding Areas)
Sexi Kelli 🔥👅Incall 💲pecials 📞Call NOW 📞🎀 AVAILABLE All DaY and NiGHT!! - 26
(And surrounding areas, Tulsa)
-*- -*- -*- -*- Incredible ~ Gorgeous Brunette ~ NEW to town & Limited Time -*- -*- -*- -*- - 21
(Oklahoma City, okc/surrounding areas,,outcall only)
NeW-SeXy-BEAUTiFUL-PeTiTE -BruNeTTe!!! *I CaTeR To ThE ElItE NOT ThE ChEaP!!!
(Oklahoma City, Lawton)
Thu 09 Jan
New PICS!! Oklahomas hottest & most experienced MILF/COUGAR 100 SPECIAL 100 100 100 - 50
°*° °*° *° AvAiL ABlE °**° RiGhT °**° N0W°*° °*° 100 SPECIAL - 24
(Tulsa IN/OUT)
Wed 08 Jan
👅👌CoMe SEE this A_S_S 👑💄👙 M¥ CuRv€$ WilL £nTiC€ ¥oU 👅💋✌ M¥ $kIlL$ WiLl £xCiT€ ¥oU - 25
(Tulsa, Call)